Partnering for the Viennese Ball
If you are planning to attend a Viennese Ball in Europe as a single person (or as a single couple), you should be aware of a few etiquette points.
First, at these kinds of events, guests will typically dance only with the partner they came with. That is to say, unlike some of the social dance parties you might have attended in the United States, at a formal European ball, the etiquette of partner exchange is generally not done.
For this reason, we highly recommend coming to these balls with a partner in hand. If you are coming alone and will only be attending the official Waltz Week Ball on Saturday, Feb 22th, then of course we will do our very best to partner you with other solo participants from our group and to share partners throughout the evening. If you plan to attend any of the other balls alone, we highly encourage you to post your intentions on our "Waltz Week in Vienna" Facebook page and see if you can coordinate to meet up with other solo participants there.
Hired Dance-Partnering Services (Taxi-Dancers)
Another option for single attendees is that some of the balls may help you arrange for a local taxi dancer to attend as your dance partner. Just be aware that this can be expensive. Hiring a dance escort means that you are responsible for all of their costs, including ball ticket, tuxedo rental (if needed), transportation, meals/drinks, hiring stipend/fee, etc. That being said, ball escorts are typically charming people, lovely dancers, and enjoy being there as much as you do. If anything else, it's a wonderful way to meet a fellow dancer and get to learn more of their local culture and history first hand. Please contact the local ball committee (click on their web page link) to see if this option is available for that particular ball, or continue reading below....